The British Inline Puck Hockey Association

COVID-19 Update - 22nd February 2021 | February 22

The Prime Minister's statement to the House of Commons today provides positive news about the winding down of Covid-19 restrictions.

The British Roller Sports Federation will now consult with the DCMS about exactly what this means for our sport and update the roller sport community as soon as possible.

We will revise our Return To Play Roadmap and guidance for roller sports and communicate it as soon as possible.

Below are the key points from the Prime Minister's address today.What will be allowed in England

From 8 March
Under-18 sport can take place at school as part of educational provision, or as part of wraparound care.

The stay-at-home restriction will continue but will be amended so people can leave home for recreation as well as exercise outdoors - with their own household, support, or childcare bubble, or with one person from another household. Social distancing and other safe behaviours should be followed.

From 29 March
Outdoor sports facilities can reopen. Formally organised outdoor sports - for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits.

No earlier than 12 April
Indoor leisure centres/rinks can open for use individually or within household groups.All children will be able to attend any indoor children's activity, including sport, regardless of the circumstances.

No earlier than 17 May
Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes.

We are waiting for the devolved nations to provide details of their roadmap and will update as soon as possible for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.